Professional Stocktaking Service
Our Auditors have many years experience in management and Licensed Trade. A personal service ensures you see the same stocktaker each visit.

Regular Stocktakes
Having regular stocktakes carried out by trained professionals is vital to your business. All to often licensees overlook this at their peril.

Identifying Problem Areas
Professional stocktaking can identify many areas where issues arise, such as excessive wastage, and cellar and resource management.

Detailed Reporting
Our reports show surplus/deficit on every individual item along with holding value and number of days stock, even at multi-bar sites.
Need an independently audited stock management service? Regular stocktaking? Detailed reporting? Accurate valuations?
Regular Stock Control
Stocktaking and Valuations
- Comprehensive Variance
- Profit Margin
- Group % Sales
- Stock Turnaround
- Stock Valuation
- Historical Analysis
- Loans and Borrowings
- Waste and Spillage
- End of Year Valuation
- Change of Ownership
Serving Ireland east, south and midlands